Guestbook tool

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Guestbook is a simple way to gather community feedback and ideas transparently – perfect for situations that don’t require or wouldn’t benefit from public debate, or for the end of your consultation process when you are seeking to evaluate your process.

Guestbook is a simple way to gather community feedback and ideas transparently – perfect for situations that don’t require or wouldn’t benefit from public debate, or for the end of your consultation process when you are seeking to evaluate your process.

Guest Book

As part of our commitment to ensuring rigorous community engagement practices, we'd love to hear about your recent experience taking part in our project. Feel free to leave us your feedback and tell us what you liked about our engagement process, what could be improved and how being involved has helped you better understand the project. Your feedback will help us improve our processes for the future.

Learn more about the Guest Book tool

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The Guestbook tool of late has seen a resurgence being used at the end of an engagement process. Allowing participants to express their feelings about the outcome and process of the broader engagement.

JoeW over 4 years ago

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Idque consul splendide ad per, ne pri fugit solet. At sea malis doming essent, at eos impetus electram. Nam ei munere mollis reformidans. At nam accusam nostrum, oporteat liberavisse an sed. Falli aeque in eos.

Id cum nulla partiendo, ius consul appareat te. Sed dolorem invidunt pertinax id, est timeam sensibus at. In nulla tractatos torquatos sit. Vim no tibique nominati, esse unum disputationi eam id. Ullum paulo ornatus pri ad.

Vis alienum petentium tincidunt in, no eam melius adversarium. Vim amet quot te. His antiopam partiendo ei, id sit eius explicari. At consetetur eloquentiam ius, ei feugait eleifend conceptam eum. Denique temporibus eu qui, vis te sale electram consequat, vis tation constituam ea. Et apeirian platonem has, ut legimus mentitum assentior sea.

Nathan Connors over 5 years ago

Leave my comment here.

Nathan Connors about 6 years ago

This is such a great tool. Thanks guys. I'll be sure to recommend it.

Nathan Connors about 6 years ago

Great stuff!

Nathan about 6 years ago
Page last updated: 07 May 2024, 12:37 AM